On Island Mod Soccer Leagues
Vashon Micro Intro Soccer - U5 and U6 players join their parents for Sunday afternoon coed intro to soccer
Vashon Mod Coed Soccer - U7 - U10 players have weeknight coed practice and Sunday games
Off Island Association Soccer Leagues
PCS Pierce County Soccer hosts our U11 and U12 teams in recreational divisions with other clubs near Tacoma and Gig Harbor
SSUL South Sound United League hosts our U13 - U19 teams in recreational or select divisions with other clubs in Central and South Sound.
NPSL North Puget Sound League hosts recreation and select leagues for North Sound clubs in 4 counties. Vashon teams join NPSL divisions when there are not enough South Sound teams form appropriate divisions.
RCL Regional Club League is a premier league that provides the highest level of competition in the state. Some individual Vashon players play in this league but Vashon has never submitted a team to the RCL.